Sunday, September 8, 2013

Process and Product

Looking back at everything we have done to improve ourselves and ours writing the past few weeks, i feel that there is something missing. Every single one of these processes is having us go through a list of steps telling us to do this and do that. Where is the creativity? Seriously, every single one is too rigid and tedious; its basically like high school all over again. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed everything we have done in the class so far. I'm just looking for a change of pace. Something to keep me interested, something that will make me want to write more. I'm just tired of the day after day routine. But I've honestly enjoyed your English class very much. Having the drafts as like check points is very helpful because I would totally procrastinate until the last minute like any other normal person. The blog posts are cool. They're like an informal way to talk about your feelings about the things you want us to post about. It’s different, but still not as creative as I was looking for. The workshops have been fun. I’ve enjoyed talking to kids in my group and getting to know them and learning about their different writing styles. Perhaps my favorite part has been the essay. I’m used to timed, in-class essays about literature that I would typically skim through. I’ve never written one about a commercial. It has been a unique experience analyzing a commercial rather than a piece of text. The difference here is that we have a choice in what we want to write about. In the past, there has been no choice. My teachers would read 30 essays about the exact same thing. I never did any of the things we are doing, like the learning processes and the different blog posts. These have really improved my writing ability and skill and I hope that it will continue to in the future. 

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