Tuesday, November 5, 2013

From pencils to pixels

according to the article, technology is the gateway to literacy. i do not agree because literacy is the ability to read and write, not the ability to be apt with technology, instead, people should be proficient in writing and reading before they move onto using technology. writing is like a techonology because people can be good at using it just like people can be good a t writing. also typing code is essential to technology, and code is a series of different languages that computers speak, so techonolgy has its own version of writing, i guess. the pencil is a piece of technology because people use it accomplish a task and to make their lives easier. if people didnt have pencils, what would they use to record things with, blood, sweat, tears. plato disliked writing because writing doesnt have emotional weight. Speaking to someone about something important is far superior than writing someone a letter. guys dont propose via text, they do it in front of their significant other because it is more special.  This article implicitly defines literacy as the ability to read and write and also to be able to use technology and go between reading and writing and using technology seamlessly.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Digital Intimacy

After reading the article assigned to us, I put my thoughts together and formulated the main argument of the essay. the essay argued that today's society is growing ever more intimate (no sexual connotation at all just FYI) with itself through social media. People are knowing more and more about each other's personal lives without even trying. For instance, I could look at my News Feed on saturday and tell who had been partying and who hadnt. Its that simple Zuckerberg added the News Feed to Facebook to effortlessly bring everybody closer together. the News Feed allows for anyone to know anything about their friends. Its incredible how intimate everybody is with everybody. the article talks about "ambient awareness" which is propagated from relatively constant contact with one's friends and colleagues via social networking on the internet. Yes i experience this feeling every day. The paradox of this is that you actually arent spending time with any of your friends. Its kind of crazy, but you are learning more and more about them without actually being around them at all. The downfall is that you dont get the human contact, but the benefit is knowing that they're theoretically okay. Ambient update is the continuous updates made by everyone of your friends or followers therefore having a continuously updating news feed. many posts are skimmable because theyre often short enough to get the gist of what theyre saying, but in connection with our talks of literacy, many people may actually improve theyre speed of reading via reading tweets or Facebook posts quickly as you surf though your feed. The author uses the term "weak ties" when talking about relationships between friends because youre more inclined to stay online and look at Facebook or Twitter than to hangout with a buddy or something like that. This hurts us because it makes less social and more of an outcast and a creeper (in my opinion). 20 somethings feel pressured to have a facebook to keep in touch with their friends from high school or college or their hometown. The article defines literact in the 21st century with the ability to stay connected with your friends via social networking, but also to have that personal touch when spending time with them in real life.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gin, Television, and the Cognitive Surplus...

The article, "Gin, Television, and the Cognitive Surplus," discusses how much time and effort goes into things and how some people have time to do these things. In the beginning of the article it discusses the first few years of the industrial revolution were kind of wasted due to the mass consumption of gin. The author then goes on to discuss the modern version, which is television. People seem to complain about there not being enough time in the day, yet they are still able to watch their favorite shows that night. The main argument of this article is that people will fins time to do things they want, but wont for things they don't like, such as work. the cognitive surplus is all of those years wasted not being able to do a certain activity, but finally being able to do it makes us want to do it more and more and more for like ever. This article matters because our grade depends on whether we read it or not.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is Google making Us stupid !?

The main argument of this article is that humans are relying more and more on technology, thus dwindling our abilities to adapt to certain situations and gain knowledge. People also don't spend a lot of time on each site; they are more prone to bounce from site to site and often don't return to that site or article. they may read a page or two of an article, but they probably won't finish it.

The internet has affected his thinking process by rewiring his brain to not be able to focus on one certain topic at a time. He says he can no longer sit down and read a book, such as, War and Peace. His lack of focus is due to the internet's vast supply of information.

The ability to focus on one certain thing and finish t in its entirity and understand it enough to formulate an argument.

They're the same for both articles. The ability to analyze something that you have read and be able to take an arguement from the article and create an answer or at least get you thinking about it.

they can't focus and have trouble sticking to one thing at a time.

1. a quote from an article
2. personal experience
3. Friedrich Nietzsche

The evidence is very effective because it illustrates the harmful effects of having vast amounts of information a click away

The So What question of this article is, "What is so important about having to use computers for everything? Why can't we move away from it and go back to our roots?"

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Identity and Social Media

For the Unit 3 Essay assignment i have been very careful about not screwing this one up. So i decided to pick Anna Kendrick's twitter account to analyze. She is a rising star in movies like Pitch Perfect, Drinking buddies, and 50/50. She will tweet from a couple of times a day to every few days. But each tweet is often very entertaining and will talk about her day to day activities or her recent movies. Needless to say, Anna Kendrick is awesome.  Anna Kendrick often will post what is on her mind and won't hesitate to say something that could be seen as inapporriate. The difference between her and the lady you showed us in class, Amanda Bynes, is that people actually like anna kendrick and she doesnt do stupid stuff that people look down upon. Anyway, Ms Kendrick is awesome and everybody should follow her because often times her tweets will make your day.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Social Media: What Does Your Tattoo Say?

I’ve had a Facebook for five years and I am proud to say it hasn’t changed my life one bit. Some people are avid facebookers, or tweeters, or instagramers; I am the exact opposite. I am a casual user. I use it make plans and talk to my friends. I never post anything, unless I feel that it is necessary. For instance, the last time I posted something was back in December when I became an Eagle Scout. It is really rare to see a post by me on Facebook. I do not use twitter or Instagram because those require a little too much effort and nobody got time for that. While I may not be a devoted fan of social media, some of my friends are supporters of all three, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. My friend, Aisulu Baibolova from freshman year of high school, posted “I wish you were here,” on Facebook. Aisulu is an avid user of Facebook,; she’ll post something every few days. In her most recent post, she must be referring to someone that is close to her and that she desires their presence. It could be a close friend, a deceased relative, or a significant other. She could be homesick, she could be upset about a recent break-up. The point is she doesn’t give enough information to properly infer; which leaves lots of room to speculate. Another one of my friends, David Fraley from my Boy Scout Troop, posted a picture on Facebook of his calculator. The title says, I'm doing some math hmwk and my calculator spazzes out....... WHATS HAPPENING!!!,” The picture has his graphing calculator doing a math error. On the calculator itself it says, “13*40            DAVID,” and then the calculator says, “ERROR.” David is an interesting character. He leaves everybody guessing his next move. Needless to say he is unpredictable. So this picture is typically something he would post. On the other hand, I’ll post something that has a lot of meaning to me; for example my cover photo. My cover photo is a picture of “The Crew.” “The Crew” is what I and my best friends call our group. It consists of myself and my friends Max, Erik, Hunter, Matt, and Sam. I titled it, “If it’s a bar, I’m not going in!” It was the quote of the night that made everybody laugh. I said it as we were entering an Irish pub, I was going to be the first one in, but I saw a bar and freaked out causing me to run outside through every one of my friends. It was a great night and this picture commemorates every moment from it. Now remember when I said I didn’t have a twitter, well I had one at a point, but I never tweeted. I just used it to follow celebrities and news outlets to learn about them and their activities. My favorite tweet I ever saw was from Anna Kendrick. She tweeted, “Ugh – NEVER going to a Ryan Gosling movie in a theater again. Apparently masturbating in the back row is still considered inappropriate.” People loved this tweet by her; it got nearly 40,000 retweets and nearly 35,000 favorites. People think Anna Kendrick is hilarious, even though she does these over-the-top tweets. She is right in the middle between insane and average. She likes to keep things interesting and people love that. My final assessment of something from social media is a picture posted to Instagram by Seth Rogen. It is a picture of a parade style balloon of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Many people know that this is a reference to the 1984 classic movie Ghostbusters. Rogen probably just saw this when he was out walking around and felt the need to post it on Instagram. He also probably "geeked" out over it too.
 After analyzing all if these posts I feel there is good and bad social media. I am not a naturally social person so I maintain that on Facebook with my casualness. I think due to my lack of posts on the social media, companies will have a hard time finding anything embarrassing or incriminating on the internet. I shouldn’t have a problem since my immortality on the internet is fairly limited.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Great Interpretive Leap Forward

Picking the song was the easy part, analyzing the song for a deeper meaning was a bit trickier. The song, 'All I Want' by Kodaline, gave me more trouble when I went to look for it in a commercial or movie/TV clip. Since the song isn't very popular (yet), it was a little difficult trying to find that second source. Luckily, it was found in an episode of Grey's Anatomy. After going through each of the sources for the song I found that each illustrated both similarities and differences between themselves. After analyzing the lyrics, I found that the song was discussing “long-lost love” or the “one that got away” in a deep kind f way. The lyrics really hit you deep. Every time I listen to the song, I almost want to cry. Anyway the video portrays a man who is physically disfigured and likes/loves his coworker. The coworker doesn’t see him for who he really is, but only for the disfigured man. The themes of this video are “don’t judge a book by its cover” and giving people a chance to show that they’re not weird or bad people. It is similar to my lyrical analysis through its deepness and depressing vocals and themes. Finally the scene in Grey’s Anatomy where the song is played in the background is quite an emotional scene where it appears that someone important is on the verge of dying in a hospital bed and secrets are being unearthed causing everybody some sort of pain. Now looking at all three sources, the main themes are pain and suffering whether it’s over a lover or someone dying or somebody that they lost or never had a chance with. Each is different, but overall I think I picked a very good song and I can’t wait to start my paper. I think overall the song argues that life isn’t fair and having somebody to love is the key to a happy life. It also argues that everybody will suffer over a significant other at some point in life and the best thing is to stay calm and move on. There is no use in whining about it. This scenario is inevitable, but hopefully it won’t happen to me for a long time.